Comprehensive Schedule
Assessment in the Major, Planning and Review Committee, Customized Instruction Financial Review
Assessment in the Major (AIM)
The key to program assessment is to implement improvements, based on your assessment data. Please keep that central idea in mind, as you develop your assessment process and write the AIM report. The report should begin with an outline of your program's objectives or outcomes and an explanation of the primary methods used to assess student learning and student progress towards developing competencies throughout your program. Methods used to assess student learning outcomes should align with or directly measure student attainment of program objectives and may include direct or indirect measures of student learning and performance. The assessment results should be from the previous fall and/or spring semesters and should include specific information on how well the students, as a group, performed on each of the assessments, and an interpretation of how the results demonstrate progress on program objectives. The plans for improvement may include proposed modifications in course content, course sequencing, changes in teaching methods or other proposed changes designed to improve student learning in the program. For programs that have both a customized instruction (CI) and traditional on-campus delivery, please submit one combined report that includes data from both tracks. Please include comparisons of student learning performance for the CI students with the traditional on-campus student and identify any notable differences. In instances where differences in performance are observed, also indicate actions you plan to take to address any gaps.
- Assessment in the Major Report template: Any format can be used; this is a sample template that many programs have found to be helpful.
- Assessment in the Major recommendation form: This form is used by the office of Planning, Assessment, Research & Quality (PARQ) to evaluate the reports.
- Reports are found in the UW-Stout Information Portal.
General Education Assessment
Reports are found in the UW-Stout Information Portal. To access files, select General Education Assessment and click on the document title you wish to view and a new tab will be launched.
Planning and Review Committee Self-Study
The Planning and Review Committee (PRC) is one of the standing committees reporting to the Faculty Senate. All degree programs offered by UW-Stout are reviewed by the PRC on a four-year cycle. UW System also requires an annual report of the results of the PRC process.
Customized Instruction (CI) Financial Review
Programs with an annual operating gain or cost-neutral outcome will undergo a regular financial review process as part of a regular program review on a four-year cycle, aligned with the Planning and Review Committee (PRC) Process. This review will include an evaluation to ensure that revenue and expenses are being appropriately tracked. If the program is not fully recovering all costs, the program will engage in the full review process.