Getting Connected

How your student can transform their campus experience
May 8, 2024

Students who are involved on campus are more likely to be successful. It plays an important role in connecting to campus, developing leadership skills, boosting their resume and building friendships.

At the Involvement Center, we love seeing students connecting with others, joining orgs, attending events and making campus home. We encourage all students to be actively engaged in at least one thing on campus. For some, that may mean they have a job on campus. For others, they may join band, choir or theater. Others may join a student organization or play an intramural sport.

Whatever they choose, it’s important for students to choose something to become involved in. You can play an important role in getting your student involved on campus. The next time you talk with them, see how they’re doing on campus. Check in with them on some of the following topics.

Connecting with Others

Has your student found their people yet?  If not, encourage them to do any of the following:

  • Download and stay current with CONNECT, our campus involvement app and student life platform. This gives them access to search events and 150+ student organizations at UW-Stout. It is also a great for utilizing campus resources. Our user training videos can help your student get started.
  • Attend an Involvement Center event. We design our events so that your student feels welcome, whether they come on their own or with friends. From Blue Devil Productions events to Bingo and craft nights, Urec’s open climbs to varsity athletic events, there are many departments hosting events for students.
  • Attend a student organization meeting. It’s a safe space to attend solo or with a friend and is a low-pressure way to meet some like-minded individuals.
  • Read Campus Life Today, the daily student e-newsletter, filled with orgs to join, events to attend, campus notifications, scholarship reminders and more.
Student Organization Fair at Backyard Bash

Time Management

Is your student managing their time effectively?

Research shows that students who have structure outside of the classroom tend to do better. It forces them to prioritize their time and focus. Whether it’s a campus job, a student org, a research project or attending events, having a few hours a week that are structured can really help. 

It is possible to have too many things to juggle too. It’s important for their academics and their social and mental health that they find a balance.

Boost that Resume

Gaining those skills employers are looking for begins right away and doesn’t just happen in the classroom. Employers want to see that students are involved and that will be what sets them apart. 

Almost every major has a student organization, where your student can learn from upper-level students about their field, go on trips to industry partners, network and more. Any org experience can offer event planning, budgeting, teamwork and more.

There are also a variety of leadership opportunities, such as workshops, student government or their residence hall association.

College is a time for exploring and figuring out who they are as an individual. Now is the time for them to try new things and see what sticks. Supporting them through their journey to involvement is an important part of adjusting to college life. Sometimes, they just need a little encouragement from home to get used to their college home.

Family and supporters can also use the CONNECT website. While you can’t log in, you can search groups, events or check out the latest campus news.

Involvement Matters, filmed in 2019 / University of Wisconsin-Stout

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