Graduate Q&A: Bethany Tennison

​Jerry Poling | February 1, 2018
Bethany Tennison
Bethany Tennison / UW-Stout photo by Brett Roseman

Following is a Q&A with one of the 749 students who received a diploma Dec. 16 at UW-Stout.

Name: Bethany Tennison
Hometown: Rockford, Ill.
Major: Human development and family studies

Why did you choose UW Stout? I chose UW Stout because of the HDFS program. I originally wanted to become a teacher and thought that was my dream job. After thinking about it and some experiences I had, I realized it wasn't. The HDFS degree is so broad, and I can really do anything with it. I have a passion for working with people and being able to help them in any way I can. I have worked at a nursing home since I was 16, and I absolutely love it. This degree will help me to continue working with this population and give me the skills I need to be successful.

What are the biggest obstacles you had to face? It was learning how to manage my time because I wanted to have a social life, have a job, go out with my friends and get all my homework turned in on time.

What stands out among your experiences? My junior year I was chosen to be co-author of a research article. I learned so much during this process, and I am now more educated on how many articles are out there about aging. I also participated in a service learning project in South Dakota; it taught me more about other cultures, being able to experience living on a reservation for 11 days and how much of an impact one person has on someone else. The relationships I have made with professors and students have made a big impact on my life.

What's next? I start graduate school at Judson University in Rockford, Ill. I will be studying human services and administration. I hope all my studies and experiences will lead me to being able to be an administrator of a nursing home.


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