MIchelle Dupree Profile Photo

Michelle M. Dupree

Associate Lecturer

Office 267 Heritage Hall

Michelle Dupree has worked in the field of education for twenty-seven years. She has twenty-three years of classroom teaching experience prior to transitioning into her current role as the K-12 Instructional Math Coach for the School District of the Menomonie Area. 

Born and raised in upstate New York, Michelle earned her bachelor's degrees in psychology and Pk-6 education from Potsdam State University in 1990. She continued her work at Potsdam, attaining her Master's degree in Classroom Instruction in 1991. Michelle’s love of mathematics paved the way for her 7-12 Mathematics certification through New York State in 1995. Following many years of teaching in New York, Michelle's move to Wisconsin in 2006 lead to her WI certifications in K-6 Education and eventual administration licensures in the areas of Principal and Director of Instruction. 

Michelle has presented professional development sessions in the area of mathematics at the local, state, regional, and international level. She serves on the UW-Stout MS Education Advisory Board, works on the Content Review Team for EdReports, is a member of the WI DPI Mathematics Coaching Leadership Team, and works as a Core Advocate for Achieve the Core. 

Teaching Interests: Mathematical Mindset, Universal Design for Learning, Student-Centered Coaching 

Professional Interests: Professional Learning Communities, Response to Intervention 


  • WI Principal
  • WI Director of Instruction
  • WI Professional Educator License K-6 
  • 7-12 Mathematics, New York State 
  • Professional Learning Communities 
  • Response to Intervention