Nels Paulson

Nels Paulson


Phone 715-232-5304
Office 447 Harvey Hall

Brief Biography: Nels Paulson is a Professor of Sociology at University of Wisconsin-Stout and received his doctorate from Arizona State University. His research generally focuses on science and building civil society. Past research projects include hunting as a conservation strategy, phosphorus pollution in Wisconsin, disaster relief and religion, and the place of indigenous groups in global environmental governance. Dr. Paulson was a Principal Investigator on National Science Foundation, Wisconsin DNR, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer research grants and his publications have appeared in Conservation and Society, Nature and Culture, and Environmental Values, among others. His current work is on expanding access in health care through innovative strategies that are adaptive to varied communities and needs.

Teaching Interests: Introductory Sociology; Social Theory; Political Ecology; Sociology of Health and Illness; Quantitative Research Methods; Qualitative Research Methods; Society and Leisure; Globalization and Social Change; Sociology of Altruism

Research Interests: Science, civil society, environment, health, organizations, food, leisure, and religion 

Nels Paulson TEDx Talk