Inspiring Human Development and Family Studies Graduates

Students talk about their experiences at UW-Stout and in the Human Development and Family Studies program.
December 30, 2017
HDFS student Joylin Baranick is photographed Wednesday, February 11, 2015 for use with her testimonial on the department's website.

Joylin Baranick

When I first transferred to UW-Stout, I was still unsure of what exactly I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to work with people whether that be young children, adolescents, or adults, but I knew I didn’t want a teaching degree. When I learned about the Human Development and Family Studies program I couldn’t believe my ears, it was exactly what I was looking for! 

The HDFS program has helped me grow in so many ways professionally and personally. I have been able to apply what I have learned in classrooms, communities, professional settings, and in everyday life. I actually look forward to going to my classes because it keeps me interested and engaged. The professors and other students are such great resources and they have all been there to help me grow! 


HDFS student Isabel (Lexen) Walters is photographed Wednesday, February 11, 2015 for use with her testimonial on the department's website

Isabel Lexen

I joined the HDFS major just because I knew that I wanted to work with people, but the program has given me opportunities and skills that I never even knew I would need. All of my professors have pushed me to think critically and work hard, but I have always felt genuinely valued and cared about in the program.

Because of my coursework, all of which is actually applicable to real life situations, I feel completely confident in my ability to work with a wide variety of populations and in almost any work environment.


HDFS student David Linsmeyer is photographed Thursday, February 19, 2015 for use with his testimonial on the department's website.

David Linsmeyer

For the past 3 ½ years, I have been fortunate enough to learn within the HDFS program, and experience its benefits outside of the classroom. This is the most unique aspect of HDFS; with the motivation and support from HDFS professors, classroom lessons can always be applied to the real world by helping individuals and families. When doing so, students receive the most fulfilling college experience, because their education is used to better the lives of others.


UW-Stout alumni Ashley DeMuth and Josh Sales lead the Menomonie chapter of the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Chippewa Valley, which opened in October 2014 at River Heights Elementary School. Sales, who serves as the Club's program coordinator, is pictured leading an activity with students in the after school program

Josh Sales

The HDFS program has propelled me into a successful career path working with youth! This program has a great staff and curriculum to cover all of the areas for working with children and families. I was also able to gain valuable experience and knowledge through the courses to achieve my goal of pursuing a career working with all populations of youth.

I would highly recommend any incoming student who would like to work with youth or families to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in HDFS as it has done wonders for my career! 


Bo Vang, a student in Human Development and Family Studies, does work as a counselor during UW-Stout's summer PreCollege Program Wednesday, July 16, 2014, as part of her internship with the university's Multicultural Student Services department.

Bo Vang

The HDFS faculty designs the program in a unique way where it goes over and beyond at equipping and preparing students to better serve individuals in different developmental stages. Through hands-on learning in the classrooms, it has prepared me to obtain my first career employment shortly after graduation.

I was extremely satisfied with the faculty and program, that during my time of being an HDFS undergrad I had recruited three of my friends to declare HDFS as their major at Stout.


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