Faculty awarded apparel professorship, engineering endowments

A professorship and two endowments have been awarded to faculty members at University of Wisconsin-Stout.
July 31, 2015

Professor Gindy Neidermyer, program director for the B.S. degree in apparel design and development, has been appointed the 2015-16 Lenore Landry Apparel Design and Development Professor.

The professorship, three years in length, is designed to attract and retain applied design faculty and to acknowledge and honor leadership skills. The professorship is $7,000 a year, with funds to be spent according to state guidelines.

Wei Shi, assistant professor in engineering and technology, and Scott Springer, professor in engineering and technology, have been appointed the Fulton and Edna Holtby Manufacturing Engineering chair and senior chair, respectively.

The Holtby endowment provides $25,000 for two- and three-year periods and is awarded to faculty in recognition of outstanding ability and promise. Funds are to be used to support professional activities.

All three faculty members teach in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Landry professorship

The apparel design and development program recently has undergone a major revision to better align student skills and knowledge with the needs of garment industry, Neidermyer said.

Her goals are to develop and distribute new marketing materials to reflect the focus of the revised program, to educate prospective students regarding career opportunities and to coordinate the new marketing brand with the campus imageShe also plans to create a cohesive image within the laboratories to increase student retention.

A portion of the Landry funds also will be used for student assistance in researching and organizing materials.

The award was established by Lenore Landry, a 1945 UW-Stout graduate in home economics education. Landry, a UW System specialist, was respected nationally for her expertise in textiles and clothing.

The apparel design and development program has been offered as a B.S. degree since 2002. The university first offered the bachelor's degree —then named clothing, textiles and design —in 1962.

For more information go to the apparel program website or contact Neidermyer, 715-232-1106.

Holtby endowment

Shi will use the Holtby endowment to support her research in robotics, control systems and instrumentation. She also plans to attend conferences to present her research.

"In order to foster integration of research and education and provide students with real-world problems, the research project developed during the award period will also be used as practical examples in my class," she said.

Her award is for a two-year period, July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2017

Springer plans to establish an Advanced Manufacturing Research and Teaching Center to focus on the learning, improvement and application of additive manufacturing technologies.

He also plans to develop a new course and minor, pending availability of staff funding for course offerings;work on curriculum development;do research;and present and publish his research.

His award is for three years, through June 30, 2018.

Recent university awards

In June, the university awarded the Dahlgren, Andrew G. Schneider and Maybelle Ranney Price professorships.