Chancellor named to UW System group to streamline leadership hiring

University of Wisconsin-Stout Chancellor Bob Meyer has been appointed to a UW System workgroup by Board of Regents President John Behling
August 7, 2017

University of Wisconsin-Stout Chancellor Bob Meyer has been appointed to a UW System workgroup by Board of Regents President John Behling to explore ways to streamline the processes used to hire System and institutional leaders, as well as ways to boost applicants with nonacademic backgrounds.

“I am honored to be asked by President Behling to sit on this workgroup,” Meyer said. “I hope to use the information and impressions I gathered during my relatively recent hiring process at UW-Stout to help the other group members reach some workable recommendations.”

Bob MeyerMeyer was hired as UW-Stout’s seventh chancellor three years ago.

“We have a wonderful group of chancellors and system leaders,” Behling said. “As the responsibilities of university leaders continue to evolve, universities across the country have benefited from being open to hiring individuals from nonacademic backgrounds, including the private sector and government. The Board of Regents needs to make sure that our hiring process allows for a diverse pool of candidates that reflect the changing dynamics of higher education.”

The administrative hiring workgroup is charged with reviewing the processes by which university chancellors, provosts, vice chancellors and UW System presidents and vice presidents are hired. As part of the process, the group will review hiring practices in other states and examples of nonacademic executive level hires at other universities.

Regents Vice President Drew Petersen will chair the workgroup. Other members include:

  • Regent Gerald Whitburn, vice-chair
  • Regent Tracey Klein
  • Aaron Brower, UW-Extension provost
  • Joe Heim, UW-La Crosse emeritus professor and legislative liaison
  • Rose Smyrski, UW-Platteville vice chancellor
  • James Henderson, UW System vice president of Academic and Student Affairs
  • Shenita Brokenburr, UW System senior associate vice president of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity

“We want to ensure the UW System’s search process produces the best candidates and does so in an efficient and effective manner,” Petersen said. “This will help the UW System compete for the best leaders, both in and out of academia. Our students, faculty and taxpayers deserve no less.”

The workgroup is expected to provide its recommendations to Behling later this fall.



Bob Meyer

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