Keep your improvement pace going strong.
Training Within Industry (TWI) is a proven method that enables team leaders to analyze processes and scale them down into smaller, sequenced steps. With these steps in hand, your leaders then share them effectively with everyone on the team.
As a result, your company avoids stagnation and potential obstacles from workplace communication issues, relationship complexities, and staff turnover. Your entire crew "learns by doing" and enables your company to develop and hold standardized work - the key to
long-term improvement success.
Is your continuous improvement prepared for the long haul?
Let's talk about Training Within Industry.
Training Within Industry Modules
Job Instruction - Complement the job knowledge of supervisors and leaders by developing the skills to train others.
Job Relations - Practical training to build relationships, improve and maintain strong work environments, and make the best use of employee skills.
Job Methods - A process to develop and enhance skills to identify improvement opportunities that increase efficiency and make the best use of people, machines and materials.
Job Safety - Four simple steps to analyze the overall work environment and proactively reduce hazards that complement and strengthen any safety program.