Organizational Training and Development

We build tailored employee training and development for organization's specific needs
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SVRI Training and Development Packages

We build tailored employee training and development programs forFour people sitting at a desk around a laptop
vocational rehabilitation, human resources, and management professionals.

Exposing employees to relevant pieces of training can improve skills and knowledge, prepare employees for higher responsibilities, measure performance management, and strengthen employee relationships. The main focus of employee training and development is to improve performance, enable growth, and support behavior change.

Specialized training can save organizations time and money. One way to gauge an organization's training needs is to think about these questions:

  • What goals has your organization currently prioritized? What is the root cause of any gaps you currently have, and how could those goals be better met?
  • Are there certain aspects of your business that are running inefficiently or with high error rates?
  • Are there any significant changes planned or affecting your organization now?
  • What is the engagement like with your company’s mandatory compliance training?
  • Are there new hires who are struggling to get into their roles, or do you have low retention rates for certain roles or departments?

Source: Dashe&Thomson

 Non-Customized TrainingCustomized Training
DeliveryRecorded prepackaged trainings provided through CanvasRecorded or live trainings provided through Canvas/Zoom/Teams
TopicsBurnout & Turnover, Career Pathways, Ethics, Trauma Informed Care, Working with Diverse Populations, Medical & Psychosocial Aspects of Disability plus catalog items and other topics upon request. Full list of trainings available upon request. On-demand trainings available for purchase: Catalog.Burnout & Turnover, Career Pathways, Ethics, Trauma Informed Care, Working with Diverse Populations, Medical & Psychosocial Aspects of Disability plus catalog items and other topics upon request. Full list of trainings. 
PriceStarts at $810 for 20 seatsStarts at $1,000 for 20 seats
Standard Length1 hour1.5 hours
Interactive Presentation NoYes
Pre/Post Tests & AnalyticsNoYes
BadgesNot AvailableAvailable upon request
Additional CustomizationNot AvailableAvailable upon request

Contact Beth Gaertner to learn more at or 715-232-5652