Guidance for Political Activities

The university has established policies and procedures for campus political activities.
In this Section

Tools for Political Discourse

Over the next several months, citizens nationwide will be participating in local, state, and federal elections. As Wisconsin, and the nation, responds to the challenges resulting from COVID-19, it's critical to remain informed of any changes to election deadlines and processes.

UW-Stout follows UW-System's Guidance on Political Campaign Activities to ensure information and processes related to political campaigning is consistent with university system guidelines.

Processes and procedures

Initial areas related to political campaign activities are listed below. Updates to these process may occur and new areas be added should new information or changes to procedures occur at the system or university level.

Expand All Political Campaigning

Political forums and debates can be sponsored by the Stout Student Association. All political candidates must be invited to the event.

State buildings cannot be used for political fund raising.

Posters, rooms or emails cannot be used to raise funds for political candidates.

Political candidates are allowed to campaign in the building. Political candidates cannot raise funds.

Demonstrations and Protests

UW-Stout and The Student Centers are committed to exercise of free speech and freedom of assembly.  The Student Centers will work in good faith to assist students and student organizations conduct demonstrations and protests in accordance to reasonable time, place, and manner guidelines.

Students groups or student organizations that are planning a demonstration or protest are asked to contact the Conferences & Events Office (MSC 214 / 715-232-2000) for events planned within or on the grounds surrounding the Memorial Student Center or Merle Price Commons.  We also strongly recommend contacting Conferences & Events for demonstrations or protests planned elsewhere on campus, as this office can refer the group or organization to appropriate parties on campus to meet time, place, and manner guidelines.

While time, place, and manner guidelines may vary depending on the nature, size, and scope of the demonstration or protest, the minimum guidelines for all events are:

  1. There must be free access and egress to, from, and within the building (staff may define barriers or lanes to ensure access/egress).
  2. The activities cannot unreasonably disrupt another event or activity.
  3. The activities may not enter the space(s) of another event or activity. 

Spontaneous demonstrations or protests will be afforded the same commitment to free speech and freedom of assembly.  However, spontaneous demonstrations or protests will be held to time, place, and manner guidelines as noted above.

Chalking, banners, exterior postings

Questions about banners, sidewalk chalking, or other exterior posting of materials should be directed to:

Conferences & Events
302 10th Avenue East
RM 214, Memorial Student Center

Harassment (and other non-academic misconduct)

Students need to know some types of behaviors may be deemed incompatible with membership in the University community and therefore may result in disciplinary sanctions which may include suspension or expulsion from the University of Wisconsin System.

The type of conduct that rises to the level of non-academic misconduct as defined in UWS Chapter 17 (Student Disciplinary Procedures) can be described as conduct that harms self or others. UWS Chapter 18 - Conduct on University Lands provides additional information regarding usage, behavioral expectations, and processes related to campus and operations.

Examples below, while not exhaustive, gives some general types and examples of serious misconduct violations that may result in separation from the UW-System:

  1. Victimizing Others (battery, sexual assault, stalking, and harassment).
  2. Poor Citizenship (theft, vandalism, giving false information, failing to abide by restrictions imposed by earlier disciplinary action)


Displaying Political Signs in Residence Halls

Political signs are allowed and should be displayed with these two residence hall policies in mind:

Fire Safety - Decorations (pg.19) - Students may not cover more than fifty percent of the hallway-side of their room doors with decorations. Decorations should not protrude from the door.

Posting of Signs (pg 21) - Students may not post signs anywhere inside or outside of the residence halls without prior approval from University Housing. Unauthorized remove of approved postings is not permitted.

See Residence Hall Handbook.

Solicitation within Residence Halls

Door-to-door solicitation is not permitted in the residence halls.

Solicitation is defined as selling, peddling, distributing, and/or collecting materials or information, free or otherwise.

Recognized student organizations may request permission to set up a booth in the main lobby of the residence halls.

Requests should be directed to the Residence Life Coordi­nator of the hall where tabling is to occur.