Our RDGED 721 Supporting Literacy Instruction online course will show you ways to fulfill curriculum leadership and literacy coaching roles at the district and school levels.
Meet the new and evolving demands of the reading specialist position.
There is no registration fee to reserve a class.
Online Course
Three semester hours of graduate credit
Instructor: Tera Ellison
Spring 2025: January 6 - March 14, 2025
Tuition: $476 per semester hour graduate credit ($1,428 for a three-credit course)
Spring Tuition Due: March 5, 2025
We invite you to enroll in our RDGED 721 Supporting Literacy Instruction online course to meet your professional development goals for reading specialist certification or if you need teaching license renewal, graduate credits to transfer to another university's reading specialist program, or just a refresher course.
Our Supporting Literacy Instruction online course allows you to complete your weekly assignments as they best fit your schedule. All discussion postings and projects are submitted online.
If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.
Every project in this course is a typical task of a Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach.
RDGED 721 Supporting Literacy Instruction includes how to
- evaluate literacy resources
- collect and utilize data
- create and conduct a workshop
- practice crucial conversations with colleagues
- create a Professional Development Plan for your district.
This is one of the three required courses for individuals pursuing reading specialist certification, WI #5017.
The Reading Specialist program is a nine-credit, three-course program designed for those who already have Wisconsin license #1316 Reading Teacher.
This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program.
How do I register?
Complete the Online Registration Form.
When is the registration deadline?
Reserve your spot now. This program is top-rated, and courses fill well before the start date.
What Our Students Say
"I love reading the feedback you provide via email on all of our discussion posts and our assignments. You highlight our strengths, and you provide constructive criticism to push us to be our best selves. It is clear through all of your communication that you are on our side and willing to help us out in any way possible."
~ Carrie Schumacher, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
"I wanted to thank you for a great semester. Sincerely! Even though it was virtual, I still feel like I know you and the person/educator you are. I have learned so much from you and appreciate/admire your positive feedback and passion for literacy."
~ Meredith Stefonek, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Textbook to Purchase
Wepner, S.B., Strickland, D.S., & Quatroche, D.J. (Eds.) (2014). The administration and supervision of reading programs. (5th ed.). Teachers College Press.
Walpole, S., & McKenna, M.C. (2013). The literacy coach’s handbook: A guide to research-based practice. (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.
No travel to campus - 100% Online
- Participate 24/7 from your home or work computer during hours that are best for your work and family schedule.
- The class is highly interactive, with a significant discussion component.
- All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox.
- Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific assignments due each week.
- There are no required "live" chat sessions.
- This is not a self-paced class.